A Nordic PhD seminar, Madaba, Jordan, November 1-10, 2011
The emergence of Islam in the end of Late Antiquity presents a most intricate topic for researchers interested in Islamic, Christian, Jewish and related studies. How does a new religion emerge? What kind of transformational processes of identity are involved? How did Islam relate to the others and how did they relate to Islam? In what sense do the three religions have common roots? What impact did the emergence of Islam have on Judaism and Christianity? How were Jewish and Christian traditions, as well as Hellenic culture, transmitted to and transformed by emerging Islam? The PhD seminar will explore these themes and contextualise them in their geographical and historical setting.
In addition to lectures, seminars and student presentations the seminar will include excursion to important sites of pre-Islamic and Umayyad Jordan. The is organized by the Nordic Network for the Religious Roots of Europe in collaboration with Faculty of Theology at Aarhus University and the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at Lund University. Lectures and seminars will be given Professor Thomas Hoffman (Aarhus University) and Professor Samuel Rubenson (Lund University), as well as invited guest lecturers .
The seminar is open for doctoral students and post doctoral researchers. If possible MA students finalizing their thesis may be accepted. Students will receive 5 ECTS units for their participation and written assignments in the seminar. The students will either make an on-site presentation on a topic related to the excursions or write a seminar diary based on the classes and their readings (10 pages).
The dates for the seminar are November 1 - November 10. 2011. The seminar fee is NOK 4.000/Euro 500 including air travel from Scandinavia, accomodation (half-board), excursions, guides, and entrance fees.
Applications should be handed in before May 30, 2011 by e-mail to both Prof. Thomas Hoffman (th@teo.au.dk) and Prof. Samuel Rubenson (samuel.rubenson@teol.lu.se). The number of students/post.doc scholars is limited to maximum 15 with preference for those attached to one of the universities/institutes of the Network (Aarhus, Copenhagen, Bergen, Oslo, Lund, Helsinki, Reykavik and Tallin)
Applications must include
University affiliation
Degree and thesis title
Short summary of research interest and motivation
Recommendation by supervisor or senior faculty member (by separate mail)
For more information please contact Prof. Thomas Hoffman (th@teo.au.dk) or Prof. Samuel Rubenson (samuel.rubenson@teol.lu.se).